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Quantitative Methods Case Study

Case Title:
Kumar Construction Company: Bidding Decision Analysis
Publication Month and Year : July 2009
Authors: RagaSravanthi Vemulavada & R Muthukumar
Industry: Not Applicable
Region: India
Case Code: QM0018
Teaching Note: Available
Structured Assignment: Not Available
The case revolves around Kumar Construction Company, a construction company based in India. It is deliberating on whether it should bid for one or both the contracts, which are on offer from a government department of Andhra Pradesh for the construction of roads in Bowenpally area in Hyderabad. However, the company is worried about the profit it has to make if it bids for any of these contracts. The case explores on the use of Decision Tree Analysis in deciding whether it should bid for a single contract or both the contracts.
Pedagogical Objectives:
- To understand the basics of Decision Tree Analysis
- To explain different ways of calculating EMVs for different contracts.
Keywords : Quantitative Methods; Decision Science; Analysis; Statistics; Decision Dilemma; Decision Trees; Expected Monetary Value (EMV); MBA Course Case Mapping; Business Statistics; Quantitative Methods; Course Case Mapping